Red has figured out how to open a cabinet. Granted, the first few times were accidents, but at that point, the wonders behind the cabinet doors were revealed! But I know these wonders to be Windex, recycling trash, vodka and glass vases. Hmmm. Not for the baby.
I ran to the storage cabinet and retrieved my baby cabinet locks. 2 packs of Safety First Grip N’ Go Cabinet Locks. These cabinet locks were CHEAP! I got two packs of them at Walmart for less than $2.00 per pack. Alright! I had originally registered for them when Red was still on the inside – some of the reviews were mixed, but with a price like that – I thought I’d try them out.
There are two locks in a pack, so excellent price.
Once I took them out of the pack, I think I knew they weren’t for us. They are a little on the small side, and quite bulky. How they work: They slide apart with a little squeeze in (only) one direction. There is a little red lock picture on the right hand side that says if the lock is closed. Once you pull the entire lock to the left, the latch is depressed, and makes the picture lock green. Once green, you can then use your thumb to press the lock on the bottom and slide the lock out and off the cabinet.
Yes. It’s that complicated. Here’s a photo of the lock completely opened. I don’t think I would like these as much as I dig around in cabinets cleaning, unloading dishes and cleaning up. They take a minute to get off even when you are good at it. And it takes 2 hands. A good Mama knows that one handed-ness is next to Goddess-ness.
Another problem for us: Our knobs are too far apart to even install the latch! I found that this was the main complaint against the design. You have to have knobs VERY close together for this to work.
So these are not for us. Fortunately, I got my money back at Walmart, and ‘ll have to figure something else out! Meanwhile, Red is in baby jail while I cook dinner 🙂
Thanks to this post. Every parent in the house must do child proofing.