This is a sponsored post by Scotties Tissues. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my 100% my own.
Remember that viral (comedic) rant a Mom went on about school supplies? She went on a tirade that if teachers were going to lovingly take her kids away and teach them all year long, she’d GLADLY get them anything in their supplies list. We can’t be bellyaching about two bottles of glue. Yes, I understand the school supplies lists can be daunting. Ear Buds, 12 glue sticks, 20 pencils, specific orange folders, 17 hand sanitizers, 63 highlighters, and more. But kids are also messy, kinetic, learning creatures that will wear out a crayon in a week. So I’m in total agreeance with rant Mom. I’m buying everything on the list and then some. This year, I’m stashing away super trendy tissues from Scotties for multiple school supplies send-ins throughout the year.
Our Home School Supplies Stash
First up, I’m stocking our house. With all the germs that come home from school and the winter colds that strike hard, I’m making sure we have plenty of cough and cold supplies like Scotties Tissues. Gone are the days of pricy tissue box covers when you have super fun designs to engage your kids and match their personalities! Our playroom has a dash of exploration with this “Reach for the Stars” design. Cookie Mouse seems to be quite happy with it!
I feel good knowing as soon as our fall allergies hit (and oh, goodness… they will!) or germs make their way into our bodies and we need some help to feel well, I have a stash of Scotties Tissues ready to go. Runny noses and sniffles won’t stand a chance. With the affordability of Scotties Tissues, I can easily have 2-3 boxes in the pantry ready and waiting.
School Supplies the Teachers are Asking For
It’s not gone unnoticed that our elementary schools are asking for cleaning supplies. Our teachers that watch my kids for nearly half the week want to keep everyone as well as possible? Done! Both Red and Scarlett’s teachers have asked for the following:
- Hand Soap
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Tissues
- Empty Egg Cartons and TP Tubes
- Paper Towels
Scarlett’s teachers have asked for a bit less, as her supplies are mostly school funded but I’ve gotten the okay to hand in sanitary items and age-appropriate books to the reading library. I have a bunch of goods that will be put to use by rambunctious little ones! Aren’t these “You Can Do It!” boxes perfect for some potty training boosts? It’s very THOR with all the lightning bolts (at least that’s what Red told me!)
Extra School Supplies I’m actually Bringing
You know I’m going to fill out each child’s school supplies list the best I can. Between items we have leftover from last year, sales, and school box orders, I’ve got it all. But, inspired by ranting Mom, I’m not stopping there. Teachers deserve some extra supplies! Scotties has a wide selection of designs, so I’m going to send a huge set of these tissues to our classrooms. At a price I can afford, these stylish little boxes might bring a smile to a kid or comfort to a nose that needs it. And I’m pretty sure our teachers will be okay with this donation, too!
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