I’m a Similac Partner and am a sponsored blog partner, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.
It’s amazing to me how much has changed since I was pregnant with Red. Four years later, the sheer amount of gear, research and gadgets for Mom has blown me away, because I have more choices than ever. While I’m opting to reuse everything I kept from Red’s infancy that’s gender neutral (all but the clothes, sheets and pacis), there’s still a good bit of things I need to secure to be fully ready for baby girl. And those choices I need to make include everything from new baby gear accessories, diaper choices and feeding choices. Red and I, due to a terrible delivery and newborn issues, had a harder time than most breastfeeding, so we later opted to supplement with formula and find our own way that worked for our family. It’s those kind of individual choices that I’m so adamant families, moms and babies make for themselves. Because we are all different. Different parenting styles, different lifestyles, different priorities leave us needing to support each other while we research, choose and execute those parenting choices.
As I prepare for my newborn, what I was really happy to hear what that Similac is introducing a non-GMO formula. Having more options like this one just means I’m sure to find the solution that works best for our family (it might even be an non-traditional one!) When I find a non-GMO food option, I’m more likely to choose that instead of the traditional option. Sure, the FDA states that there is no different between GMO and non- GMO foods, but for now, I’m forming my own opinions about what’s best for my family, and this option Similac has offered grabs my attention. It tells me that they are committed to offering parents options that work for them.
The Similac Advance non-GMO formula isn’t going to replace any product that exists; it’s just another choice for parents. And it has the same ingredients as the Similac Advance formula, but sourced differently – from all non-GMO products. Similac Advance is the formula that’s the closest to breastmilk, and I think that’s pretty darn awesome. A formula that’s closest to breastmilk, available in a non-GMO formula. If we need to supplement baby girl, or if we choose to formula feed her, I know that I have a great option that’s right for my family.
Available at Target right now, Similac Advance Non-GMO will spread to more retailers in September. The expansion of the non-GMO line will also include the launch of Similac Sensitive Non-GMO. While you might notice that the price tag is a little higher for the non-GMO products, it’s only about $2 more; this is because of the increased costs of production.
I find my husband and I talking more and more about plans for when baby girl is born – schedules, plans (backup plans!), and even parenting choices. We finally admitted to ourselves that a lot of decisions won’t be able to be made until she actually is born and her personality shows up. Will she sleep well? Be colicky? Only time will tell (about 5 weeks left!). Hopefully, we’ll be able to breastfeed as much as we can and then make our decisions about what follows. After all, we are making a decision about one of the most important matters in our lives; how to nourish our baby!
Similac partnered with bloggers such as me for its new product launch for Similac Advance Non-GMO. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Similac believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Similac’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
It’s nice they have added this option for parents and babies.
I want this product at Ahmedabad,Gujarat,INDIA,What would be procedure required for buying.
If I’m not mistaken, you can get it on Amazon, here: http://amzn.to/2dr2p5b We really enjoyed it!