I’m really happy to say that Red loves to smile for the camera. With smartphones and digital media being a huge part of his life, he’s always asking me to snap a shot and them immediately review the takes on the closest screen. I remember, not too long ago, there was a time trying to get him to even LOOK at the camera (much less smile for it) was a feat of the Gods. I started settling for candid shots and “action” poses. It didn’t make me nearly as frustrated.
Then, when he turned three, he started “cheesing” for us. A super hard, semi-plastic grin that looked pretty fake, but was still happy and focused. Seeing that those didn’t make very pretty photos, and Red had the understanding to listen to us, I started asking for “sweet smiles.” I’m not really sure what that meant at the time, but mimicking what I wanted to see what a huge help. Now I’m getting awesome stuff like this:
Red asked me to take a picture of him with his sock monkey, holding his hand with the train in the background. Super specific, but hey, I didn’t have to ask/fight/beg for a photo. I’ll take what I can get. The next day? He asked for one with Chase’s biggest nutcracker. Done, my son, done. “Give me sweet smiles!”
His Christmas party at school led to more camera requests, and a family selfie before munching down on custom Mamie’s cupcakes. (They seriously are the best in the world. All of ya’ll that try to bake cupcakes should just stop and hand her the crown…)
It’s easy, now, to grab a family selfie before an activity, especially with the camera’s shot reflecting onscreen. God bless the inventors of the forward facing camera on a phone. You make my child so happy.
I’m really looking forward to more of these, “Mama, take my picture” moments, since they used to be so rare. It’s something that I will gladly drop whatever I’m doing at the moment and snap a shot with my nearby phone. After all, he’s growing up so fast, isn’t he?! (If you could please stay small for a little while longer, that would be great, Red. Your Mama loves you too much).
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