What: A Bake Sale to Benefit No Kid Hungry
Where: Merchant’s Walk Shopping Center, Marietta GA
When: Saturday May 4th, 2012 9am-1pm
Who: Bloggers around the Atlanta area and YOU!
The Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry is a national fundraising initiative that encourages people to host these bake sales in their communities to help end childhood hunger in the United States. In conjunction with the bake sale, the shopping center will also be sharing “Mom Knows Best” wisdom from our retailers, the Merchant’s Walk team, and bloggers in the days leading up to Mother’s Day weekend. These tidbits will cover anything from recipes, to new mom wisdom, sassy one-liners about never wearing black with brown and everything in between. Some of our retailers are using their own bank of “mom knowledge” and others are sharing wisdom that their mother’s have instilled in them.
When you visit the bake sale, be sure to tweet using #MerchantsWalk and #MWbakesale. You can also vist facebook.com/MerchantsWalk for more information.
Disclaimer Type Thingy: Information provided by Merchant’s Walk Shopping Center. I received NO compensation for this post.
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