Sometimes, your calendar doesn’t sync up with everything you have planned. Other times, events are cancelled and you are left with a gorgeous early-summer day with nothing to do. A few other Georgia bloggers and myself met up in the park for a picnic and playtime – it was a blast! Thanks to Megan for capturing this great photo of us all taking a break and enjoying some lunch.
Red got some serious playtime in on a new playground area he’d never seen before, which meant that he was running, playing, spazzing out on the swings and flitting from step to step like a hummingbird with too many flowers to choose from.
This playground ADD also meant that I couldn’t sit down or chat with my friends at all. Julie urged me to sit down and relax while the kids played, but I knew better than that. You see, Red isn’t afraid of anything. At all. Hills? Strangers? Rusty Metal contraptions? It’s all fair game. As was the amphitheatre at the bottom of a steep hill just to the side of the playground. I knew that as soon as he slipped off the slide it would be in full view of the ever-curious toddler.
So I watched him like a hawk from a few yards away. Sure enough, he yelled “ball!” and started down the hill. The rake was a little much for him, and as the level sidewalk met the foot of the hill, he lost his own footing and knee-crashed into the pavement, only a foot in front of me. Not even the mom-dash speed could get me there fast enough. (Ya’ll know what I’m talking about…)
Red never cried after his spill, but there was a good amount bleeding and a small chunk missing from his kneecap. Like a totally unprepared mother, the only thing I had in my bag was clean non-alcohol wipes, which I used to clean him up and stem the bleeding over about 5 minutes. Our full first aid kit was back in my car, and before I could scoop Red and everything up, Maria, one of our picnic playdate moms was kind enough to share a large cloth band-aid for Red! I was super grateful! As much as I had packed for lunch, prepped the diaper bag with clothes, socks, sunscreen, hats and ice packs…. no bandaid within arms reach.
As a Mom of a boy, I should know better! I should have had a little boo-boo kit in my bag. I chalk it up to a learning experience that I can’t always keep him from scraping his knee, picking up worms or licking dirt. But I can be there with bandaids and hugs to make it all feel better.
What do you have in your bag to make your child feel better?
Lindsey Paris says
Boo for boo-boos. I miss the days of carrying a fully stocked diaper bag. Now I find myself occasionally in the same jam with the kids being older. Thanks for the reminder to put my little kit back in my tote.
Lindsey Paris says
How fun that you guys all got together like that. It’s nice that the Atlanta blogging community is tight knit. We’re pretty tight up here in Boston, too, and it’s nice to have that support.
Lindsey Paris says
Poor guy! I always carry bandaids in my handbag because you just never know when you’ll need them 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
When my children were smaller, I had the “fancy” bandages…superheroes, hearts, etc. I kept their fave snack and made sure I had a speedy exit if all else failed! Thanks for sharing!
Lindsey Paris says
I used to carry bandaids all the time and tissues! Now I wouldn’t be at all prepared for that kind of thing.
Lindsey Paris says
I still carry bandaids all the time. Never know when you will need them.
Lindsey Paris says
I have a little first aid kit. And I’ve been known to carry lollipops too;)
Good thing kids are tough! E had a spill on that very same hill. It wish they fenced that side off!
Lindsey Paris says
I know, it only took a couple of times before I started carrying all the boo fixings. One thing I always have in my bag is a healing balm from Wildwoods Soapworks. That stuff is amazing and it helps sooth the skin fast. From Chickenpox, to cactus, bug bites, and scraps, it saves me every time.
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like a great day at the park! I need to carry a first aid kit!
Lindsey Paris says
I keep a supply bag in my car that is filled with all things I might need- bandaids, bug spray, sunblock, cortisone cream. A mom can never be too prepared!
Lindsey Paris says
I normally keep bandaids in the first aid kit that I keep in my car- along with a dum-dum lollipop! Lollipops fix everything!
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like you all had a wonderful day at the park. Great you could get toghether. My kids are grown but to this day I still carry wipes and bandaids in my purse. You just never know.
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like a lot of fun! I don’t think there’s been 1x we’ve gone to the park or a get together and someone hasn’t needed a bandaid! It’s inevitable with kids! I keep a little first aid pack in my bag at all times, it’s very handy!
Lindsey Paris says
What a wonderful day at the park. I try to keep bandaids in my van at all times, because my kids always manage to get bloody boo-boos while we’re out and about.
Lindsey Paris says
Aw, how cute are the pics!! And like Virginia said in the comment below me, I always keep a mini first aid kit in my bag.
Lindsey Paris says
I always have a back up toy car. It may not take away the blood but it takes away any tears and makes for a good distraction.
Lindsey Paris says
It’s great to be ready at all times. You will never know when the next accident may happen. Kids will always be kids and without proper supervision, things can easily get messy. This is a reminder that all of us should at least have basic first aid kits on hand.
Lindsey Paris says
LOL! It’s a sure thing. If you have kiddos, there will be blood, and bandaids. I am never prepared though. Bandaids are usually the last thing I think about when packing up a bag for the day or night. I need to remember to do that!!!
Lindsey Paris says
I keep two of my son’s favorite apps on my phone in case we need some distraction.
Lindsey Paris says
I remember the days of boo-boos! Once I saw a neat band-aid dispenser for the purse and I couldn’t understand why everyone didn’t have one of them.
Lindsey Paris says
What a fearless and brave little man you’ve got on your hands! From my understanding Band aides and little children in general go hand in hand. LOL
Lindsey Paris says
I have to take band aids anywhere I go with the kids. It’s amazing how calming a little bandage can be to a kid.
Lindsey Paris says
my husband always has 2 bandaids in his wallet. some guys had condoms in college, my guy had bandaids. and as much as i tease him, he’s had to pull one out for ME at the store before!!
Lindsey Paris says
Aw, poor Red. My nephew is the same way when he sees a new playground – full speed ahead!!
Lindsey Paris says
It’s hard when they get the little boo boo’s but they bounce back so fast. They usually like band aids as I recall when my kids were little
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like you ladies had fun with the kids. Sorry your little one had a booboo. Always be prepared!
Lindsey Paris says
My boys were like that- running and jumping off everything. The playground used to be exhausting. I always had to keep bandaids with me.
Lindsey Paris says
We actually have a me4kidz medibuddy in our bag that has worked out great. Mom of boys here too!
Lindsey Paris says
I wish I lived on your side of Atlanta so I could hang out with you lovely ladies more! It looks like you had a great time – minus Red’s boo-boo. Good thing you were prepared! I always have bandages, antibiotic swipes, and allergy medicine on hand. You never know what these crazy kids are going to get into 😉
Lindsey Paris says
You make a good point about the first aid kit. I need to keep one in my diaper bag! Thanks for the reminder!
Lindsey Paris says
I always have snacks and a hug. I need to get a first aid kit.
Lindsey Paris says
Thanks for the reminder. Had one in my bag for a long while and realize I took it out while cleaning out the bag! All I have is some boogie wipes to clean a wound!