Our weekend was full of nothing! No appointments, no errands, no work. No deadlines, no chores, and no rush. We were able to take everything easy for the first weekend in a very long time. Lots of reading new books, sunny picnics, puzzles and animal snuggling were on the schedule.
To celebrate Hubs’ one year anniversary of ditching the waiting trade, we visited his old restaurant for brunch and saw old friends and stuffed ourselves (Red included) full of yummy goodness. After that, naps all around and listening to the rain fall. How did you spend your weekend?
Lindsey Paris says
Looks very relaxing! Btw, your doggie is adorable!!
Lindsey Paris says
Thank you Camilleta! He’s such a Princess, and a lazy one at that!
Lindsey Paris says
sounds like my kind of weekend! we had a lot going on- the next 12 weeks will have more of the same on weekends.
Lindsey Paris says
What a fun weekend. I’m looking forward to warmer weather so we can all chill outside, too!
Lindsey Paris says
I took a big long nap on both Saturday and Sunday and watched movies. It was a total lazy weekend and I loved it!
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds like a great weekend! We did so much running around that we joked that we are still waiting for the weekend to get here.
Lindsey Paris says
I love weekends filled with ‘not have to’s’ those are the best. You save $ and it makes your weekend really long!
Lindsey Paris says
We didn’t do much this past weekend. We went to a parade, but that is about it. We have a busy one coming up, though! I need to rest up for it now.
Lindsey Paris says
I’m jealous – it seems like our weekends are always so busy of doing stuff we don’t have time for during the week. Especially chores (YUCK!)
I did manage to take the kids to the library to get some more books, and that’s always a nice change of pace!
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend! I took photos for the blog, grocery shopped, and got ready for the work week!
Lindsey Paris says
I love weekends full of nothingness. However, our weekend was quite the opposite
Lindsey Paris says
I LOVE those kinds of weekends! They’re the best! We did much of nothing this past weekend. Lots of catching up on laundry, but I’m used to that! haha!!
Lindsey Paris says
Those kind of weekends are the best! I can’t wait until we have a free weekend soon!
Lindsey Paris says
Your pictures made me smile, especially loved the dog licking your sons face!
Lindsey Paris says
Doing nothing can be the best kind of weekend! Our Saturday was hectic but Sunday was relaxing!
Lindsey Paris says
That sounds like the best kind of weekend to me! I love relaxing weekends where I don’t worry about work or anything else.
Lindsey Paris says
Nothing Weekends are the BEST weekends!
Lindsey Paris says
I love nothing weekend. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend.
Lindsey Paris says
I love a weekend like that. We just had one. It was nice after a super busy press week in LA. It was so nice to be home around my family with nothing pressing to do.
Lindsey Paris says
I actually had a bad cold this weekend. Soo…..I spend most of my time curled up on the couch!
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like a great weekend. Congrats to the hubby!!
Lindsey Paris says
What a great weekend! The cat and dog photos are killing me!
Lindsey Paris says
I love weekends when I have nothing planned. I was busy Friday after work and all day and night Saturday. Yesterday, I just totally vegged in bed and watch The Matrix twice.
Lindsey Paris says
Lazy weekends are great! I love when I have nothing planned so we can sleep in and just do whatever we feel like.
Lindsey Paris says
I love weekends like these. They seem to be few and far between these days but when they do come around I take full advantage!
Lindsey Paris says
what a cute kitty π I spent the weekend on a new course (I LOVE to learn!) and catching up with friends π
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds so fun! Our weekend was crazy buys; I want to spend one like yours. I’m glad you had a lazy weekend. We moms deserve that every now and then.
Lindsey Paris says
A weekend full of nothing?!? Sounds like the perfect weekend!
Lindsey Paris says
Don’t you love weekends full of nothing? They are so few and far between!
Lindsey Paris says
I am a big fan of the weekends. Gives me a break from playing mom taxi in the morning.
Lindsey Paris says
The last few weekends have found me running about like a crazy woman. I think I am going to take this weekend off and relax!
Lindsey Paris says
Sometimes its nice just to spend the weekend at home relaxing with the family.
Lindsey Paris says
It sounds like you had a great relaxing weekend. Your puppy is so cute, I love the picture of Red at the little picnic table, you can just see the dog over on the other bench lol.
Lindsey Paris says
Your weekend looks great. I love when we actually get to have a stress-free weekend!
Lindsey Paris says
That is the best kind of weekend to have. I would do almost anything for a weekend like that right now. π -Lisa-
Lindsey Paris says
that is the best kind of weekend to have. I hate those weekends when we are so busy!
Lindsey Paris says
A weekend with nothing to do? Yeah, that sounds fan-tas-tic!
Lindsey Paris says
It looks like you had a great weekend to me… Quiet time is a blessing in a busy household for sure. π
Lindsey Paris says
I can’t tell you the last time I had a weekend of nothingness! It is much needed!
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds like an awesome weekend! Who doesn’t love a good nap?!?!
Lindsey Paris says
That dog is adorable! It looks like a fantastic weekend.