You may have already read that Hubs and I took out first baby-free vacation last week. My mom came and took care of little Red, who (I swear!) grew 6 inches and gained a thousand new skills since we had gone.
After having a grilled bologna and cheese (a staple when I was growing up!), they headed to Nana’s house for the weekend. After a long dip in the pool, Nana watch Red while Mom got some stuff done. She came back into the kitchen to this:
Nana looked away for a split second, and with a non-baby-proofed house, Red found the windex in an instant. Nana said she was helping him learn to clean at a young age 😉 Love it! (what you can’t see is Red is wearing a swim dipe in this shot!)
Later on, “Batman” battled a metal mesh container. He also ate his weight in Teddy Grahams Soft Paws… and loved it!
A quick lunch visit to Chick-fil-a, and even his first taste of Oatmeal Creme Pie from Papa!
The Grand-She (my aunt Shelia, and therefor Red’s Great Aunt) was so pleased to see him,
and got a high five.
Overall, the little guy was spoiled rotten by the time he got home. A few toys, lots of food, and enough kisses to go around. Even Dooley got some lovin’ and playtime.
I saw this face on Monday night, and I was so grateful to Nana and Mom for watching the little guy, and especially happy to be able to sniff his little toes and kiss those cheeks! I enjoyed my time away with Hubs, but it made us miss our little guy!
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