I brought Red home from school Thursday night and he immediately fell asleep on the couch, pink in the cheeks… and I knew I was doomed. My non-napping 3 year old is sick. Otherwise he’s be running around the house during my 5 o’clock witching hour as I’m trying to make dinner and finishing up work at the same time. But after asking for his pillow, quilt and blankies on the couch, I knew some special care was in order. I tucked him into bed early and crossed my fingers that he wouldn’t have a stomach bug, the creeping crud, or worse.
Friday brought a mild fever, even more lethargy, movie watching and lots of pajama time. My mom and Chase were asking how he was, so I kept sending photo updates. But now, as I look back at them, they all look the same… Red brought his “sleeping system” across the den, on most of the couches, the floor and even the “big bed” after a while. Instead of enjoying a little dinner, it all came back up. While I’ll spare you the play by play, let’s just say it was not super fun.
Saturday and Sunday? Repeat performances of a needy, snuggly, tired guy that didn’t know how to be sick. Laying down and resting aren’t in a toddler’s list of things to do, so I had to come up with “still” activities like reading, movies, snacktime and other rainy day type of things. End verdict is an ear infection so bad that it’s actually pushing out his tube in his ear! Not cool! Antibiotics and more rest time are the prescription, but we’ll see how that works out! What are your tips for keeping a toddler still, or getting them to rest up?
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