The latest news with Stitch Fix revolves around this video, where a blogger received a box containing a pair of red shorts with two tags: one from Stitch Fix (price of $68) and one from Nordstrom Rack (price of approx $25). The blogger was dumbfounded, hurt and immediately blasted the company and canceled her subscription. But let’s be honest. Companies like Nordstrom Rack, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and model their businesses by selling things WAY below MSRP. Stitch Fix purchases clothing from the SAME wholesalers and adds their own tags. Companies all across the world follow this same practice. It’s nothing new, and the companies will sell the items for various prices. Normal.
So, besides the MSRP pricing, a business of saving you time and styling your boxes around your personal style, while pushing you to try new items and things that you may not have otherwise found is why Stitch Fix is so awesome. I will continue to order boxes, purchase pieces that I like (and think are priced right) and save myself time and dressing room heartache. (I’ve even been known to wear the items to the store for a minute to see how it really wears – you can see a tank top I bought in the photo below… sort of). Best $20 I’ve ever spent… (And if you want to try it, here’s my refferal link:
Lindsey Paris says
I guess it depends on your personal price for convenience. Some people will gladly pay more (maybe even a lot) to avoid stores, lines, and general hassle. Some will not. I love the Stitch Fix idea, but no way would I ever pay their prices. I’m a coupon and clearance shopper when it comes to clothes. Even though I hate going shopping, I just can’t pay $65 for shorts – ever.
Lindsey Paris says
I enjoy clothes shopping in real life mostly, but I could see where this way of shopping would be convenient. Thanks for sharing your feelings about this product.
Lindsey Paris says
You’re welcome. It’s a viewpoint I haven’t seen shared yet! 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
Don’t get me wrong, I love a sale, I really do!
Lindsey Paris says
I haven’t heard the drama behind this at all but I congratulate you for sticking with a company you love even though they are getting some bad press right now.
Lindsey Paris says
Same here…I just got a $49 pair of Tommy Hilfiger chinos at Macy’s last week for $25 – just a regular old sale, not even on clearance or using any special discount. LOL
Lindsey Paris says
I love clothes shopping in person. I always find that things don’t look as good on me as they did on the computer screen. Good for you on staying with a company you love despite the bad press
Lindsey Paris says
I have heard from people who love it and people who hate it. I personally wouldn’t like anyone else picking out my stuff for me.
Lindsey Paris says
I hadn’t heard any of the drama surrounding Stitch Fix. I think it’s a great concept. I know several people who live the service – I just haven’t tried it myself. 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
Thanks for the info, I never heard of this! Will pass it on to the ladies.
Lindsey Paris says
I’ve just never joined b/c I’ve asked friends about the prices and they are above what I normally pay. Nothing to do with the mark up or anything(I actually totally get that they need to make money), just beyond my shopping budget!
Lindsey Paris says
Interesting, I’ve never thought about ordering clothes this way, but I’m all about a, deal. I’m not sure if I would pay that much extra for convenience.
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds interesting. I’ve seen a lot of blogs about Stitch Fix and they all seem to have great reviews. I’ll have to check it out!
Lindsey Paris says
I guess I can’t really comment about it because I haven’t tried it. It seems as if people either love it or hate it, but it’s drawing attention.
Lindsey Paris says
You know, I’m just about convinced. I don’t think I’ve heard any negatives. The time saving factor is a huge lure for me. The mall? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Love your little redhead, by the way!
Lindsey Paris says
I have heard mixed reviews about this company. If I were that blogger I would have done the same thing though. Many years ago I worked for a company similar to TJ Maxx and Marshall. While some of their supply does come from the same supplier a lot of it comes from department store closeouts, buyouts and overstocks. So, it is possible that Stitch Fix did buy those from TJ Maxx’s own overstock/buy outs. At the end of the day everyone has to get their clothes from somewhere. I would just like to know that companies are being honest about their pricing and outsourcing.
Lindsey Paris says
I have only heard good stuff so far. I like the idea behind it. Saves a lot of time.
Lindsey Paris says
I think Stitch Fix would be really convenient. I have heard some pretty good things about it.
Lindsey Paris says
You’re right, it does happen a lot, and it’s normal. I don’t see why she got so upset. I haven’t used Stitch Fix but I’d like to, something because I don’t have time to shop for myself.
Lindsey Paris says
I completely understand. The company was really forthcoming about the mixup, and honored the lower price.
Lindsey Paris says
Ain’t NOBODY got time for that! 🙂 Thank you for the compliment. I put my affiliate link up there if you want to try it, and truthfully, the more feedback you give them, the better the boxes get!
Lindsey Paris says
That sounds so convenient! I hate shopping for clothes and trying them on. It would be awesome to have them picked out and mailed to me!
Atlanta GA badge says