It was kinda like that. Back in February (that’s right – this post has been brewing THAT long), Red woke up one day and started with new words. Sure, when he was 1, he had the benchmark 3 words (mama, dada, hey) with a few extras, and threw in a bunch of animal sounds and his own personal baby language later in the game.
But these words were sudden and much more clear. Yes, No, Cracker, Ball, Bye-Bye, Night-Night, All Done, and Down joined the ranks. I was really astonished that it took him that long to unleash this sponge-like learning of new words. But even then, I didn’t know what was coming.
This week, even MORE came out. Coupling of words, and his first sentence. More, Thank You, more animal sounds, Please, Drink, Snack, Treat, Pee-Pee, Uh-oh, Cookie (right?! We don’t even have real cookies in the house…), Buzz, Woody, Kitty, There it Is, Where’d It Go, and What is that?. I’m Shocked. Proud. More of those mommy emotions that each mom has but that are so dear to me. I can’t wait to see what’s next! What was your baby’s first word, or maybe their first sentence?
My Baby boy’s first words (outside of Mama and Dada) were “Here ya go”. My husband and I never realized how often we would hand something to him, each other, or anyone for that matter, and say “here ya go”. It was quite the eye opener!
I totally agree – I guess we don’t realize our own phrases – I’m just grateful some manners came out first! 🙂 I guess all that cleaning up our speech paid off!
My daughter’s first words were num num, yum yum, woof woof, and dada. Then finally mama! Lol. It’s such a fun stage, I can’t wait to get there with my second daughter. 🙂
woof woof! love it!