Guess what day it is? August 13, 2013 16 Comments Share Tweet Pin This just plain makes me giggle. See the commercial here to get in on the joke: Share Tweet Pin
Lindsey Paris says August 13, 2013 at 8:00 pm Every time I see that commercial it makes me laugh!! Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 14, 2013 at 7:36 am Lol I have never seen that commercial but Geico never ceases to amaze me. Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 14, 2013 at 8:24 am Hahahaha, my daughter came home from school last week, and said if one more person said “Guess what day it is?” She was going to scream. But then this morning she said “Hey mom, Guess what day it is?” Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 14, 2013 at 11:27 am I love it. The graphics and manipulation of the camel are spot on! Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 14, 2013 at 11:28 am Isn’t that funny how things cycle in and out? Hopefully she won’t flip flop on you again! Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 14, 2013 at 3:24 pm Funny stuff!! Love Hump day but love Fridays better! Reply
Lindsey Paris says August 15, 2013 at 6:28 am My husband loves that commercial. I can’t figure out why it tickles him so much! Reply
Every time I see that commercial it makes me laugh!!
I haven’t seen the commercial. Camel day?
Love that commercial.
Lol I have never seen that commercial but Geico never ceases to amaze me.
Hahahaha, my daughter came home from school last week, and said if one more person said “Guess what day it is?” She was going to scream. But then this morning she said “Hey mom, Guess what day it is?”
Lol the commercial is hilarious!
I love it. The graphics and manipulation of the camel are spot on!
Isn’t that funny how things cycle in and out? Hopefully she won’t flip flop on you again!
Make sure you watch it. So funny!
Me too. goofy enough for me to quote later!
It’s HUMP day. ha!
My kids are doing the same thing, too!
Funny stuff!! Love Hump day but love Fridays better!
My husband loves that commercial. I can’t figure out why it tickles him so much!
LOL… comical. 🙂