2012 was a big year for us – Red turned 1, we tiled 2 bathrooms, replaced 2 toilets, replaced all the downstairs carpet, bought a car, sold a car, and power washed all the concrete. Pretty good. But we didn’t clean out anything and more stuff accumulated.
2013 is my year to get organized. Most of my tasks include cleaning out all the crap in the house, paring down, and making use of the things that we have.
I’m looking to my friends and readers to help me out with this! Once a week (for at least 12 weeks) I’m going to offer a link up to show me your projects! It can be as small as cleaning a grocery bag of trash from your junk drawer, or as large as painting a wall. Share your progress on a larger project, or plant fresh flowers in your spring beds. Take your life and enrich it by reducing your clutter, repurposing things and enjoy what you have!
The first Organizing 2013 post went live on January 8th!
Week 1: The Toy Box (Purge and Donate)
Week 2: Get the Garbage Bags Ready! (goodwill drops)
Week 3: The Long Coveted Wall Baskets (Vertical Storage for Files)
Week 4: Pantry Do-Over (NEW Over-the-door-storage)
Week 5: Sweat the Small Stuff (Remote Caddy)
**If you need some help deciding on your first project, just try cleaning out a bag of giveaway from your closet or dresser. Perhaps resolve to vacuum your main space twice a week. A little space and a clean slate can go a long way!**
Krystyn says
We organized our dining room/play room and threw out a box of junk. It felt good. I’m sure it’s about 2 weeks before we find that same amount of junk in there again.