I had to institute Baby Jail today.
With Red crawling EVERYWHERE , and in seconds, taking out the trash or cleaning the dog’s bowls can become a treacherous task. Too many nooks and crannies in our home haven’t been babyproofed, and he lurves to touch everything. There is also the routine fear of other dangers. (You know, the usual. Vultures, Jackalopes, high speed trains.)
So, this little crawler got put in the hole for 10-15 (minutes). He MAY get time off for good behavior.
At first, he did really well. Lots of toys to play with, and ooh, pretty new sheets!
Oh hai. iz funn. |
But that turned into, “Um, excuse me, but WHERE AM I?!?” After the shock of being alone in a new place wore off, he realized that it wasn’t so bad after all. Everything was within reach, and he could still see through the “jail bars” to his jail keeper (and me), rushing around with bags of goodwill in my arms and slinging diaper champ poo-bags out the door.
I like this solution so much, I’ll take the Pack N Play outside in the warm weather to get yard work done, or perhaps Baby Jail will come into the kitchen when large meals are prepped. Ooh! There are so many uses for Baby Jail! And I don’t think Red minds very much. You usually don’t get to play with toys in the Alcatraz slammer.
Dooley seems to take his job of jail keeper seriously!