My kids love hands-on play. We adore museums and learning experiences that allow hands-on learning and play like Georgia Aquarium’s Aquanaut Experience or petting the Rays at the St. Louis Zoo. The Children’s Museum of Atlanta is a special experience for my kids, since it’s not exactly close to our home, but we try to visit a few times a year because our trips are so engaging and enriching. The rotating exhibits offer new learning experiences for my kids, but the best part is they have no idea they are learning. The STEAM areas in the renovated second floor, the piano stairs, the climbing areas and under-5 learning forest are total gems in the downtown area. If you are visiting Atlanta or are a metro resident, I highly recommend you tote your family downtown (park at the World of Coke and take the five-minute stroll to the front door). You never know what you’ll learn through play!
Current Exhibits at Children’s Museum of Atlanta
The Amazing Castle
The newest exhibit at Children’s Museum of Atlanta in a pretend-play heavy historical one called The Amazing Castle. Going over the historical tasks in a medieval village from blacksmithing, farming, animal husbandry, woodworking, cooking and more, The Amazing Castle does it all. My young kids were smitten with the Castle Kitchen and all its wares, as well as the rural garden area and the barnyard. Each station offered some dress up, bi-lingual information, and an opportunity to step into the role. Scarlett and Red had a great time. If your kids stay in the grocery store and Waffle House areas of the permanent exhibits at CMA, they will love the similar aspects in The Amazing Castle. Watch the Video below for a sneak peek of what your family can expect!
Past Exhibits at Children’s Museum of Atlanta
Weebles Coast to Coast
Permanent Exhibits & Offerings

Children’s Museum of Atlanta Hours & Prices:
Tuesday…………10 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday…….10 AM – 5 PM
Thursday……….10 AM – 5 PM
Friday……………..10 AM – 5 PM
Saturday………..10 AM – 5 PM
Sunday……………10 AM – 5 PM
*CMA Summer Hours are in effect! The Museum is open seven days a week, 10 AM – 5 PM, until July 31.
The Museum is CLOSED Thanksgiving & Christmas Day. Hours above are subject to change.Admission is $12.75 plus tax for ages 1 – 100. Admission for infants under 12 months old is free. During the week, field trip groups typically head back to school by 1 PM, so the afternoon during the week is the best time to come and enjoy the Museum. For more information or to support The Children’s Museum of Atlanta, visit their website, Visit them on Facebook, or tweet them!
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