Hubs’ brother got married this past weekend, which left us with a rehearsal dinner, a large wedding, attendant duties (Hubs only…) and lots of other festivities like an aquarium trip to attend. By the time Sunday night came, we were beyond spent and needed lots of sleep! (I’m pretty sure I never recovered from Spamalot tech week…). Despite all the things to do, I felt really good having this cute little guy as my date to the wedding, and we were matching in navy blue!
Isn’t he the best? You may have caught this one on my Instagram feed.
Preston and his bride Lizzy tied the knot with all of Hubs’ siblings, father, niece, nephew and Dad in the wedding party, which left me and Red to be guests. That meant a lot less work for us, but I know Red missed being a part of the festivities because he kept calling out for “Daddy!” and “Pop!” throughout the ceremony.
Red was much happier to see his Daddy when it was all over. I got him to stay quiet with some animal crackers (Thank you GrandMartha!!) and a giant fan right behind us in the 95 degree heat. (How all the guys didn’t sweat to death in the suits is beyond me; but they all did look very sharp!).
Our Granddaddy and GrandMartha were seated at the table with us, and we were so happy! I even caught Granddaddy watching some Planes with Red over dinner and the reception…
I made sure to ask a wedding guest to snap a quick picture of us at the reception. It was an evening wedding, and with the entire family at the wedding, we needed to be a big picture at the end of the ceremony, but I’m really sorry I didn’t have a babysitter come to pick Red up around 8:30 or 9. Staying up until the 11am departure was killer on him and my nerves. Have you ever kept your kids up late for a special occasion? Did it turn them into little monsters?
You looked stunning and Red looked handsome as always!! I am so excited for the new Mr and Mrs- this has been a long time coming and they are a great fit!
your dress is gorgeous! And what a cute little date you had! 🙂
These are great tips to make life easier, I do try to clean as I go but sometimes its hard to resist the temptation to put things off ’till later. Using would have been a big help when my kids were babies. My kids are only 15 months apart so I had a baby and a toddler at the same time. Online diapers delivered to my door would have been a dream,
This is some very good advice! When I first had my son everyone said when he sleeps you sleep! Really?? Cause then laundry would never be done and dishes would still be sitting in the sink lol Now that my son is almost 4 I really miss all I could get done during those nap times lol
wow that’s a GREAT coupon !! i have a huggies loving friend i’ll have to send this to her 🙂
Love love your dress and your eye makeup! Looked like a very fun event!
Great tips.We used to buy diapers in bulk from a cash and carry,Worked out much cheaper.
Nap time is precious time! Sometimes I can’t figure out where the day went but those minutes are like gold no matter what I use them for. These are great tips for getting more life out of your day!
These are great tips! I was very anal about my children and their sleep/nap schedules. was so great for us. I used them often when my boy was in diapers.
My kids were never nappers – as much as tried to get them to do so and stuck to a schedule. Buying diapers in bulk is smart, you’d never run out!
i’m sharing this with my friend that just had a baby. My kids were always great nappers
Definitely sharing this with some mom friends! These are great tips for new moms!
Clean the little messes as you go is a great idea. It is better than getting overwhelmed with the big cleaning
I like the idea to clean as you go. My stuff piles up so quickly. I’ve just been finding that waking up earlier helps my whole family be more productive.
I try to get everyone here to clean as they go but they do not listen! I end up cleaning up the big messes!
Y’all look good! And, yes, we’ve done a few late nights (Stone Mountain laser show, my sister’s wedding) and surprisingly, they did really well!
I do think hiring a wedding planner is quite necessary if you have enough budget and it’s a medium or large wedding with at least 100 wedding guests!
wedding coordinators